It’s cold out there in space; you should take an energy weapon to keep you warm.
Star Trek Online has been around for quite some time. When it first launched there were only a few energy types — but now there’s a large number of them, mixed and new. Many of them do interesting things and others look amazing.
Keep reading to discover what the Vox Ex Machina krewe thinks are the five best and most fun energy weapon types in the game.

Because Disco is not dead we have the Temporal Defense chroniton weapons. The proc on these gives a boost to maneuverability and some extra shield defense and the chroniton beams hit with antiproton damage.
The FX of these beams is best described as puking a rainbow at the enemy. With each cycle, these beams and cannon blasts flicker through a brilliant pastel spectrum that turns space into a celebratory riot of color and light.
The proc these weapons provide is called Chroniton Stabilization: a 2.5% chance to apply +5% flight speed and turn rate with a 3% reduction in damage to shields for 60 seconds. This effect can stack up to five times.
These weapons are obtained from the Temporal Defense Initiative store upon reaching Tier IV for 22,500 dilithium.

Science captains will enjoy the Krieger Wave disruptor space weapons because their proc increases drain and control expertise. Star Trek aficionados will enjoy them because they are a reference to Dr. Krieger, a Federation scientist who, while working on a new prototype weapon, died in an explosion and accidentally framed Cmdr. Riker., first officer on the U.S.S. Enterprise, in the event.
Everyone else can enjoy the interesting FX of the beams which look pencil-thin red beams that flash briefly as they fire. The beams and the cannons also have special sound FX that’s a little bit tinny and sounds much different than standard space weapons.
The proc on these weapons is a 2.5% chance to apply +25 Drain and Control expertise to the ship firing them. As a result, these weapons couple nicely with captain’s who use a lot of Science skills.
These weapons come from the [Privateer Lock Box] and their standard versions also come pre-equipped on the Miradorn Theta-class heavy raider and the Husnock Warship.

The Heralds were the first species uplifted by the beautiful and terrifying Iconian race and their ships inspire dread and awe in all who see them. Their vessels are an amalgam of shifting parts held together by invisible fields that can materialize from empty space and their weapons scream in the dark of space as they tear shred shields and tear apart hulls.
Herald antiproton weapons are a violet iridescence when they fire — both the beams and the cannons — and they come with a shrieking sound FX that sounds a little bit like the sound of metal resonating on glass. This is only made more profound when a Herald antiproton beam is upgraded with Beam Overload — the sound is as distinct as the devastating effect.
The proc provided by Herald antiproton weapons is also extremely useful: a 2.5% chance to add 7% bonus energy damage for 20 seconds (stacks up to 3 times). That means it can max out at 21% extra energy damage, which is fairly impressive in a protracted firefight.
These weapons are obtained from the [Herald Lock Box] and the standard versions are pre-equipped on Herald ships (sold in the lobi store as well as dropped from the lock box).

The Elachi, those fungoid monsters who are best known as the doom that came to the Milky Way, flying gristly vessels replete with a sickly viridescence. Fortunately for captains in STO, they also brought their weapons — which look amazing on the battlefield and also come with an interesting proc.
Elachi beam weapons use a green effect that’s already well known for disruptors — but the real stand-out is their cannons. Instead of blobs of green, Elachi cannons fire crescents that streak across the darkness of space and slam into enemy shields and hulls, sometimes bypassing shields and armor.
The proc on Elachi weapons is a 2.5% chance to give +50 Armor Penetration and 100% shield penetration.
These weapons come out of the [Elachi Lock Box] and their standard versions also come pre-equipped on Elachi ships (bought from the lobi store and gotten from lock boxes).

The Vaadwaur were the scourge of the Delta Quadrant during the reign of their empire — their empire fell, but the U.S.S. Voyager unintentionally revitalized them. In their time they were a mighty navy and military with vessels that could command space supremacy.
Vaadwaur weapons are polaron emitter arrays that fire streaking purple balls instead of beams and have a unique sound as well. This means that it’s possible to make a ship that appears to open up a fusillade of purple cannonballs during broadsides.
The proc on Vaadwaur polaron weapons is a 2.5% chance to reduce shield hardness by 10% vs. energy weapons and 50% vs. kinetic for 10 seconds. This makes them quite useful for backing up kinetic projectile weapons against heavily shielded opponents.
These weapons come from the [Vaadwaur Lock Box] and their standard versions come pre-equipped on Vaadwaur ships (which are available in the lobi store and from the same lock box).
Hmm, no mention of Spiral Disruptor’s on your site, which are the best Disruptor’s in the game. Same goes for Adv Phaser’s And Senor-Linked Phasers Seems to me, your missing some info dude.
Sure. Spiral Wave Disruptors do have the addition of a Phaser proc, but subsystem knockout is random and doesn’t always give you consistent results. These weapons are also extremely venerable and have been in the game since the Cardassian Lockbox, so they’d probably show up if we had a top 10 here.
As for Sensor-Linked weapons, we considered those and have covered them before in a direct review. Although they have a lot of nice damage output features, they didn’t quite make the cut-off for fun in the survey.