The Khitomer Alliance shipyards were built in honor of a coalition between the major powers of the four quadrants of the Milky Way Galaxy and the ships that it builds represent the synergy of technologies between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Republic.
The Jarok-class Alliance Carrier [T6] from Star Trek Online is no exception to this rule as it attempts to blend the various designs and engineering knowledge of the different cultures into one vessel. This particular ship follows a primary design form guided by Romulan Republic principles, revealed by its sweeping wings reminiscent of a warbird, its powerful sensor arrays, and high capacitance shield emitters.
In this review, you will find out how to get this ship, its vital stats and other information, advice on how to outfit it with the equipment available in STO, and get some idea if it will work for you as a captain across the galactic core.

The Jarok-class Alliance Carrier was available during the 12 Year Anniversary Event of STO and captains could earn it by running through the accompanying events between Jan. 25 and Feb. 25, 2022.
Any player who received the ship can reclaim it from the Event “Reclaim Rewards” tab at any time account-wide unlock even though the event is now over. This is commonly the case with event-released starships.
Cryptic Studios, the developer of STO, may eventually add the Jarok-class to Mudd’s Market or a Phoenix Prize Pack box in the future opening up other opportunities to reacquire it in the future.
As a Tier 6 vessel, this starship can be used by a captain of any level upon completion of the tutorial. It will gain additional hull, shields, weapons, and consoles as the player gains levels. It is also available for characters of any faction.

By mixing multiple different standards, the Jarok-class Alliance carrier is a marvel of engineering that brings together different cultures but two stand out most heavily in its hull design: Romulan and Federation.
It has the split upper-and lower swept-wing design of the D’Deridex-class warbird with even the nacelles not touching, which is a divergence from the original design specification. This is interesting because it is not a Singularity core vessel, which Romulan vessels are well known for, instead it uses a Matter-Antimatter warp core. The tips of the nacelles, extended safely away from the ship also glow a brilliant cyan color, which accentuates the rest of the ship.
Instead of a totally empty internal space, like a D’Deridex-class, it has a cruciform engineering section throughout the middle forming a parallel split set of launch bays for its dual hangars. This makes it perfect for fielding squadrons into combat theater.
The front of the vessel is a stunted horizontal saucer section, similar to most Federation designs, in a sort of homage to the Romulan swan neck and head as seen on warbirds, but flattened instead.
The hull material is a white Alliance-type that gives it a sort of clean look along with dark-grey highlights along the curvature of the hull. It has clean, sweeping lines that follow both Romulan and Federation design language that mix in cyan-colored running lights along with elements of the hull for a brilliant effect.
This ship does not come with a specialized bridge and will take whatever custom starship bridge the captain chooses from the ordinary sets.

The Jarok-class Alliance Carrier is a science carrier with almost the full kit, which means that it has heavier shields and a complement of defensive and support capabilities that work well with its two hangars.
Since the starship is Romulan engineered, it also comes with a cloaking device that is usable outside of combat. This allows for a 15% damage bonus when decloaking.
As for the bridge officer seating, the Jarok-class starts with a Commander Science slot, a Lt. Commander Engineering, and finally a Lieutenant Tactical. Together these three seats provide the core of the vessel. The specialist seating is a Lt. Commander Universal-Temporal Operative slot that allows for building a little Temporal capability into the ship as well.
The odd-man-out in the bridge officer layout is an Ensign Science-Command slot that doesn’t have a lot of room to work with.
As a science starship, the Jarok-class also comes with Subsystem Targeting, which will allow captains a little bit of a chance to knock down power levels of enemy ships or knock subsystems offline – this can come in handle for knocking out shields. Especially nice for opening up for torpedo barrage or pets.
The console that comes with the starship is the Sensor Suspension Burst. The console provides a single skill click that triggers a 20% critical hit chance buff and resets hangar bay recharge times for the player and everyone within 20km, and for hangar bay pets (and summons) it gives them a 30% critical hit chance buff and placates foes within 10km for 20 seconds. The console itself provides +2.9% critical chance and +7.6 Auxiliary Power setting, making it good for Science powers.
The T6 mastery starship trait that unlocks with the ship is Backup Shield Batteries that cause Drain bridge officer abilities to enable shield-facing regeneration. As a result, activating drain skills builds charges once per 15 seconds to a maximum of four. If any shield facing is reduced to zero it is fully restored and one charge is consumed.
The Jarok-class’s two hangars come pre-equipped with Alliance Fighter Squadrons. These squadrons are a new type of hangar pet introduced to STO that launch “swarm” type pets that move and fire together, yet are still individual pets themselves. Each hangar launches 3 at a time and can support 6 in the field like any other fighter. Every Fighter Squadron is equipped with antiproton beam arrays and antiproton pulse cannons and uses [Focused Assault I] – increasing the rarity of the pets will provide [Focused Assault II/III].
Hull Strength: 36,000 at level 40; 41,400 at level 50; and 54,000 at level 65.
Shield Modifier: 1.45
Fore Weapons: 3
Aft Weapons: 3
Device Slots: 4
Bridge Officer Stations: 1x Lieutenant Tactical, 1x Lt Commander Engineering, 1x Ensign Science / Command, 1x Commander Science, 1x Lt Commander Universal / Temporal Operative
Consoles: 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 4 Science (scales with level)
Base Turn Rate: 8 degrees/second
Impulse Modifier: .15
Inertia: 35
+10 Shield Power, +10 Auxiliary Power
Console — Universal — Sensor Suspension Burst
Hangar Bays: 2
Hangar Bays loaded with Alliance Fighter Squadrons
Can Equip Dual Cannons
Subsystem Targeting
Cloaking Device
Starship Mastery Package (Science Carrier)
Backup Shield Batteries (Starship Trait)
The Jarok-class fills the role of a middle-of-the-road Science carrier with an Engineering fairly nicely and as a free ship, it has a decent loadout. Adding in the Lt. Cmdr. Universal-Temporal BOff seating, it’s possible to set it up for extremely heavy exotic and control or tune it towards Temporal Ops.
One thing that makes it particularly stand out is the Cmdr. Science BOff seating, which means that it can slot Gravity Well III. This already puts it ahead of the game for battlefield control. Having all of that Science under its command also means there are options for Sci Team and Hazard Emitters for team heals. There are also options for hazards such as Tyken’s Rift and Very Cold in Space or AoE damage with Destabilized Resonance Beam.
The Lt. Cmdr. Engineering opens up opportunities to keep the ship intact during prolonged engagements, especially when the ship draws attention away from its fighters or from other teammates. Going heavy into exotic or Temporal, it’s possible to get large numbers, which can lead to getting scraped up. It is also a good fit for an Emergency Power to Weapons or Auxiliary depending on the build.
As mentioned above, the Lt. Cmdr. Universal-Temporal BOff seat has mixed opportunities. Some players might go deeper into Science for either heavier exotic or support, but it’s also possible to build some builder/eater relationships for Temporal powers. It’s not easy, because there are only three BOff abilities to work with, but it can be done.
Finally, that Ensign Science-Command slot might feel a little bit hard to place but Overwhelm Emitters could keep pets alive longer while knocking out enemy shields, or it could be a place to sit Hazard Emitters or a Sci Team.
Like any carrier, it’s a slow turner, which means that most people aren’t going to want to run cannons on it; with a base turn of 8, it’s possible to use RCS consoles or the Competitive reputation engines to make it turn on a dime, however. For the most part, though beams will probably serve most captains well on this ship.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the hull class of this carrier is lower than comparable science carriers such as the Breen Sarr Theln-class and the Tholian Jorogumo-class, which carry 63,000 and 65,250 hitpoints respectively. The Jarok-class only reaches 54,000 hitpoints at level 65. This makes it much more fragile than its compatriots and thus should be handled appropriately.
Comparatively, the Jarok-class does have one of the largest shield modifiers ever at 1.45. Although shields have not been in a great place for maintaining sustained firefights, the larger shields do interact with the T6 drain skill shield-facing restoration trait.

Build Advice
The Jarok-class Alliance carrier affords a comfortable BOff seating arrangement with two Lt. Cmdr. slots and a Cmdr. slot and a nice Universal and two specializations. This opens up a wide variety of different role variations that it can fit into. As a result, it’s hard to pin it down.
As mentioned above, the Cmdr. Science BOff seating immediately sets up a perfect space to place a Gravity Well III and a Photonic Officer II. This will make sure that everything is running smoothly at all times and that there’s a great deal of control in the field. We can leave it up to the reader to decide what to put into the other two slots depending on how they want to roll, usually Hazard Emitters and potentially a Science Team or potentially a drain ability (if using the trait).
The Lt. Cmdr. Engineering is open to supporting whatever the player chooses to set up in the Lt. Cmdr. Universal. For Tactical builds, this would be a good place for EptW III and potentially some sort of healing powers to keep the ship intact during prolonged engagements, as for support and exotic damage builds it could use EptA.
Support and exotic builds leave the Temporal BOff slot open for use, which is a devastating weapon in the field, especially with high auxiliary. With captains going high auxiliary, we’d suggest a torpedo/kinetic build. Otherwise, the Cmdr. Universal/Temporal slot could be switched to Tactical and loaded up with whatever weapon configurations they want.
This leaves opportunities open for BFAW and TS, or CAS, depending on the build alongside Tactical Team or Attack Pattern Beta. Combined with Concentrate Firepower.
If you have access to it, the Entwined Tactical Matrices trait makes it really easy just to slot either Beam Fire at Will or Torpedo Spread and it automatically sets up a TS I or BFAW I respectively. Of course, we always suggest that trait in almost every build (but it’s a little expensive to get given the ships it comes from.)

The Jarok-class Alliance carrier was a free ship given out during an Anniversary event and as such it’s a perfectly capable vessel for the role of a Science carrier and can be turned into a multitude of support or Science assault roles. As a result, it was hard to pass up but most players will probably have put it back into its box after taking its trait.
For players who missed this ship, it could become a collector’s item in the future when it begins to appear in Mudd’s market or future Phoenix Prize Packs. However, its middle-of-the-road capabilities will probably relegate it behind other vessels.
The cloak combined with the hangars makes this vessel excellent when built for taking advantage of critical damage and working with team efforts. As seen in the handling section, this can be extremely useful for support roles and using its Temporal and Command slots to build towards both beam and kinetic for advantage.
Like most of the Alliance ships, it has a somewhat weird aesthetic, but certainly, some players can overlook that for an interesting playstyle and hangar pets or a BOff layout that they find interesting.
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