In Warframe’s most recent update, Mar’s second moon, Deimos, revealed itself to be a planetoid terraformed by the infested. It will now play host for the Orokin derelict — a place overrun by infestation — and an open world filled with things to do involving the creepiest enemy faction in the game.
Keep reading to learn a little about what to expect from the newest expansion: The Heart of Deimos.
To begin, players will receive a summons from the protectors of the place, something terrible is happening beneath the surface of the tumbling, oozing moon. Something that will cause the collapse of the Tenno themselves if it is not handled, and handled quickly.
Upon landing in the exploration zone, the Cambion Drift, players will be greeted by a somewhat schizophrenic “necraloid” cephalon named Loid and Otak.
A short introduction to the world proceeds, precipitated by a tutorial that leads player’s through the various spaces they can visit including the Necralisk – the social city – and the depths beneath the surface, which includes the eponymous Heart of Deimos.
In the Necralisk is the Entrati family. Five bickering family members who have a somewhat dysfunctional relationship with each other who have become entirely infested and are thus entrapped in the city.
The first member of the family players meet is Mother. She is the head of the family (although one might argue Grandmother is) and has a problem with Father, her husband. Father is a researcher obsessed with the land and its flora. Daughter has an interest in the fish, if they can be called that. Son is a narcissistic attention-seeker who wants players to assist the infested fauna.
Finally, Grandmother keeps everyone together. She is interesting because, although players can increase their Entrati reputation by doing tasks for each of the other family members, they can also transform tokens from them into Grandmother tokens. Her tokens are worth considerably more than the tokens that make them up.

The open world of Deimos is awash with organic, gooey red dominated by a starry sky. The day and night are dominated by one of two massive landmarks known as Fass and Vome. These giant worms have glowing heads that shine a brilliant yellow and white, respectively. They are brother and sister and dislike each other – such that when one rises, it blasts the other with a beam of light and its sibling explodes spraying its blood across the countryside.
Just like previous open worlds, players can obtain bounties from Mother to complete, which will get them her tokens as well as the unique rewards of Deimos. Players can also get special bounties when in the open world to delve underground, which opens up some of the mysteries of Deimos.
Players will also find themselves mining gems, collecting critters, and spear fishing.
Fishing on Deimos is a bit different than anywhere else as the fish don’t stay under “water.” They will hover above it to feed – and it takes a special spear to hit them benath the surface of what suffices for water on Deimos.
Amid the special rewards players can obtain are new infested pets, pieces of the broken warframe Xaku, and new weapons.
Unlike the Pains of Eidolon on Earth and the Orb Vallis on Venus, the world Deimos does not provide new constructible weapons like Zaws or Kitguns, instead players can create two new guns. A primary weapon called the Trumna rifle and the Sepulcrum pistol as well as a new infested pistol and a melee weapon.

As players progress through Deimos, they will learn the nature of the Heart, the lessons learned by the Entrati family, and other mysteries.
Last, but not least, players will also gain access to use Necramechs. Which are the “Old War” version of what warframes are currently, they are giant, stomping mechs (with skull faces) that can wreak havoc against all who oppose. Players new to Deimos will get to pilot one during the tutorial section.
There is way too much going on in Heart of Deimos to cover here, but to sum up: Our reviewers started today, right after the patch, and did not stop playing for six hours. We only took a break in order to write this up to talk about our experience. As launches go, Heart of Deimos has been surprisingly smooth, the world is breathtaking, the fishing is fun, and the bounties are swift and sure.
Enough commentary. Get into the world and play, Tenno, and come back and let us know what you think!
Images: Digital Extremes
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