The stresses of a warzone are unique and powerful. They can quickly change a person. When our combat veterans come home from the Forever Wars, they often find themselves unable to shut off the survival skills that kept them alive on the front lines. Video games are proving to be an answer. Virtual training in video games allows veterans to ease back into the routines and rituals of non-military life. WNYC News has the story.
Here’s the big quote, “Seeing my brother very anxious, seeing my brother with all those feelings of going back to war, because be feels more safe, he feels more normal, he feels he belongs there — is totally sad, is totally devastating to me as well as my parents.”
When a person spends so much time in such a stressful environment, they adapt to the stress and, essentially, become addicted to it. Veterans can take the war home with them. If this video game training can help them shed that burden, then it can only be a good thing.