Into the Breach Once More, Dear Friends
The science-fiction MMORPG Star Trek Online developed by Cryptic Studios announced today the return of an old task force that takes players into the bowels of a Voth Citadel fortress ship, The Breach, and the release of a new Strike Wing Escort starship bundle.
The Breach will open up Nov 12 and run until Dec 3. It returns a well-trod task force that will have players fly their starships into the Citadel ship and destroy the power core — and along with it the massive Voth ship.
Players who participate in this task force 14 days during this time period will be rewarded with 50,000 dilithium ore, three featured TFO reward boxes and a choice of either a Specialization Point or an Enhanced Tech Upgrade. Players will also receive the Universal console: Voth Power Core.
The console is described as a facsimile of the strange crystalline power cores used to power Voth ships — including the vast Voth Citadel ships. Once deployed, the subcore will blast up to three random foes within 10km with plasma damage. The subcore will persist in space for a short period of time and then explode, as they are unstable.

The console also passively provides a boost to starship Sheild Capacity, and a small amount of Sheild Hardness that scales up as remaining Hull Capacity is depleted during combat.
Players will also receive a full daily credit towards the free unlock of a Tier 6 ship in the C-Store.
Strike Wing Escort Bundle for $40
Cryptic Studios is releasing a bundle of two Strike Wing Escorts on Nov. 12 that contains one Federation ship, the Earhart Strike Wing Escort [T6], and one KDF ship, the Sech Strike Wing Escort [T6].
Individually each ship will cost 3,000 Zen, or $30, but as a bundle, both together cost only 4,000 Zen or $40. There will also be special introductory pricing starting Nov. 12 and ending Nov. 18 that makes the bundle 2,400 Zen, or $30, and includes a 50% off Tier 6 ship coupon.
The Earhart-class strike wing escort is a Tactical-focused escort with a 5/2 weapon layout, +10 Weapons Power, +5 Engine Power, +5 Auxillary Power, and a hangar bay equipped with Class C Shuttlecraft.
The Sech-class strike wing escort is also a Tactical-focused escort with a 5/2 weapon layout, the same power boosts, and a hangar bay equipped with House Mo’kai Fighters.
Both vessels come with the Subatomic Field Disruptor experimental weapon — it acts by disrupting the subatomic fields near the target causing AoE electrical damage.
Both ships also come with the Universal console Cascading Gravimetric Disruptions, which fires out pulses that seek out nearby starship warp cores and inflicts damage on contact; after five power sources, the disruption becomes unstable, pulls in foes and damages them a second time.
Both ships also gain the mastery trait “Target that Explosion.” Upon activating a command or torpedo bridge officer ability, the next torpedo launched will cause nearby allies to also fire torpedoes on the same target.
Each vessel also has a Fleet variant with increased Hull Hit Points, Shield Strength, and an additional Science console slot.
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