Once again, Nintendo illustrates the unshakable fact that in gaming, fun wins out over horsepower every time by selling seven million Wii units in Japan alone over two years. Since the console’s release in 2006, the Wii has been nearly impossible to find in stores. The conspiracy fringe claims that was because Nintendo created an intentional shortage of the things to drive up demand, but the real reason is that casual gamers, such as your parents, wake up earlier than us hardcore gamers and were buying up the Wiis before we had finished our morning cornflakes and Mountain Dew.
Game publishers originally took the Wii console for a gimmick, which it is, and made only a token effort to take advantage of what the hardware and mutant controls could offer. This left the Wii with a narrow assortment of games during its release, most of them of questionable quality. But the Wii has proven to be a successful gimmick, and now publishers are competing to prove their games against the Wii’s hulking market share. A solid lineup of first party Nintendo games like Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has helped push the Wii into the forefront of the current console generation. Now, second and third-party publishers are finally warming up to the possibilities of the Wii, and that’s why we’re seeing incredible translations of games from other systems, like the superb Resident Evil 4. This trend can only continue into the future.
So, in summary; get a damn Wii already before Japan and your parents buy them all. You’re missing out.
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