Guild Wars 2 is an upcoming MMORPG that is looking to break away from the crowd with a new way for characters to pick up and play through quests. It’s called a dynamic questing system, and it seems to be based around quests just happening when you’re in the right place or doing the right thing. The whole effect gives Guild Wars 2 a more organic feel and a stronger claim to a living world than most games. Check out the details of the dynamic questing system in this article. Ten Ton Hammer has the story.
Quests that appear around the world, rather than static questing hubs you must return to, are a good idea. I wonder if this solves the problem of going out to cave, say, fighting all within, and then being sent back to the same cave later to fight all within, again, and this time take their hats or something.
Either make multiple areas, or let me get it all done in one trip. Seems fair, right?