The gaming media vulture swarm has been feasting heartily from the follies and failures of an industry that makes drug running look like a stable career. Still, the flock is antsy, anxious, and the reason is a view of next-gen console systems on the horizon. The current console generation has lasted long, and the new models are still at least a year away. While this glacial pace of change might be a strain on the industry, it’s proven a boon for gamers who haven’t had to buy new hardware in forever. Is a new console generation worth the trouble for gamers to upgrade and refresh their collections with new titles? Maybe not. 1UP has the story.
Hardware sales drive the console side of the game industry, and in this exalted year, everyone who wants a console system has one. There’s literally no one left to buy those consoles anymore. Next-gen systems would jumpstart the industry engine to haul it out of the ditch. That is, if gamers can afford to change up.
On the other claw, I still play an old NES system from the early 80s. What the industry wants and what gamers want aren’t always the same thing.