A new update on PC for developer Digital Extremes’ space ninja game Warframe brings more horrors and more weapons to players in the open world expansion the Heart of Deimos next week. These weapons include a devastatingly powerful necramech called the “Bonewidow,” additional and improved mods for warframes, numerous different weapons, and featured improvements to gameplay.
The Bonewidow is a Necramech-of-the-line, first-and-last of its kind, designed to fight off the Infested threat with devastating firepower and robust strength. It favors armor and health over shields, preferring to get into the fight instead of standing off, using its strength and fury with a tower shield and impaling exalted warblade at melee range – or just blast them with a rocket launcher.
This will come in handy, of course, because there is also a new enemy: the leggy mitosid.
DE wasn’t just laying down on the job all summer, they were cooking up a gooey new Infested enemy to throw at the Tenno that was previously known as the “Spitter” that is blind. It hunts its prey using vibrations in the ground.
It will skitter across the Deimos ground to chase down its opponents and spray them with gross, brown goo and rapidly overwhelm them if they’re not careful.
Included in this update are a bevy of new mods such as a Garuda mode called “Blending Talon,” which gives Talons 100% additional Combo Count Chance when striking targets afflicted with bleeding; a Gauss augment called “Mach Crash,” which augments Mach Rush to add vacuum to its impact that sucks in enemies; Revenant gets “Thrall Pact,” an augment to Enthrall that adds +25% to primary weapon damage for each active Thrall; and Wisp gets “Critical Surge,” an augment to Breach Surge, which changes Breach Surge to cost 50% energy to teleport to a reservoir, granting 10% critical chance to sniper rifles, per meter traveled for 9s, maximum of 350% critical chance.
Tenno can also expect significant new weapons added to their arsenal with three new armaments including a new sidearm, a bow, a nunchaku, warfans, a sniper rifle and an arm cannon.
The Catabolyst pistol fires a short-range stream of corrosive bile capable of digesting even the most hardened chitin and, even once all its ammo is exhausted, the ammo bladder becomes a grenade that can be tossed at enemies. A fully emptied bladder packs an even bigger punch.
The Proboscis Cernos bow fires arrows that give birth to groping tentacles that grab onto hapless enemies on impact and draw them close before exploding into a mass of diseased goo.
The Pulmonars nunchuaku spin in wild abandon, melded from melted flesh connected by Infested ligament that can pummel and crush even the most pliable foes and swiftly moving foes.
The Bubonico arm-cannon fires tripe-volley explosive disease bladders from a distance and uses a primary firing mode of multi-shot barrages of toxic barbs. It’s horrid Infested flesh melds directly with the user’s warframe in a symbiotic relationship allowing it to be wielded with greater accuracy.
The Arum Spinosa warfans are crafted from the leaves of the exotic and rare Arum Spinosa plant, which has razor sharp spines along its leaves, making it practical as a weapon. Its heavy attack allows its wielder to whip a flurry of poisonous spines at nearby foes.

Finally, the Sporothrix long-distance rifle can fire razor-sharp, virus-infested barbs that will infect its host before discharging a spore cloud – a scoped headshot increases lethality, so Tenno, make those shots count.
It’s not over! Digital Extremes also announce a line of Infested Kitguns will be landing on Deimos. Father, the baritone member of the Entrati family missing an arm, will be selling these unsightly modules to incorporate into Kitguns.
And for all the K-kids out there, the Entrati will be offering Infested K-Drive boards! This means more fun in the red-red sun when racing around the Cambrian Drift.
Get out there and check out the rest of the details on Digital Extreme’s blog post about the upcoming content for Heart of Deimos: Arcana.
Images: Digital Extremes
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