Author: Helvetica

Wizard 101: Where There’s Smoke, the Fire School of Wizardry

If the mind is a candle, then the heart is the sun.

If you are looking for the burning heart of unfettered fury—if your deepest desire is to unleash devastating, meteoric catastrophe on your foes—if your closest held mantra is that the only defense is an overwhelming offense. Welcome young pyromancer. The Wizardry School of Fire has a place for you. Behold fire. And we say unto thee: SHEER FIREPOWER.

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Wizard 101: How to Insult People and Circumvent the Filter

People probably have already heard from us about the white-listed filter that exists in Wizard 101. It is not as badly implemented as similar for-tweens offerings in the market—things that often implode under their own weight as unusable. While it is nice that the filter is less cumbersome it is still a filter. It’s a form of censorship that doesn’t really add to the experience, it doesn’t offer any actual protections, and exists solely to damage the immersion for the players and make KingsIsle Entertainment look better to potential investors and overzealous parents.

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Wizard 101: Becoming a Subscription Service

wizards-101-subscribe-nowWhat is that strange blip marring our skyline? Why yes, it looks like Wizard 101 has gone to a subscription service with a first-world is free paradigm. It appears in order to access much of the last levels of Wizard City and any world beyond—and all of this happening before we voces were able to reveal our innermost darkest thoughts about the game’s largest failing.

Never fear, that post is coming regardless of the looming subscription service. Keep reading.

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Wizard 101: Moderation In All Things, the Balance School of Wizardry

Sorcery is the art of convocation, of mixing all other magics into one—transmutation, transmogrification, the alchemy of Wizardly arts. Ice, Fire, Life, Death, Storm, Myth as individuals they are all powerful—but betwixt and between there is Balance.

Wizards who choose the Balance school discover themselves with a very strange magic indeed. The introductory spells are all the standard spliff of attack monsters, shielding, and the sundry knife and fork of the wizarding experience. But that’s where the direct similarity ends.

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Wizard 101: When It Rains It Pours, the Storm School of Wizardry

Blood and thunder! The Storm school has it going on—thunder, lightning, gale force winds, the unleashed power of brutal nature. Between having an energetic frog for a professor, Halston Balestorm, and a depressed tree, Torrence (in a mood resembling Eeyore) the Storm school is a good place for wizards looking to put a lightning bolt where the sun don’t shine.

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