Author: Helvetica

Micro-Review: Jade Empire

Jade Empire, by 2K Games and BioWare was a breath of fresh air between bouts of attempting to slog through old point-and-click adventure games and the mainstay of popular offerings. I had just gotten finished with Knights of the Old Republic a month earlier and nothing compared to how amazingly well that adventure/RPG had been constructed. Fortunately, BioWare to the rescue.

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First Impressions: Dragon Quest Swords

A slime draws near!

We have been fans of the Dragon Warrior franchise since we first laid eyes on the pixilated visage of our hero from Dragon Warrior. We’ve even gone to great lengths to get translations of the non-released versions. There is a slime atop our monitor that graces our every waking moment.

Behold. Dragon Quest: Swords. A strange land of first-person view guided with the wiimote, sliding between flat landscapes, polygon castles, and people who look as if they’ve been made out of blown sugar and glass pipettes. In fact, talking to the prince of the kingdom makes us concerned that we might breathe on him too hard and break him.

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Azeroth the Electoral College

The presidential race is on, election day looming, and curious minds want to know: if Azeroth were a state, who would the population vote for? Players of World of Warcraft are a diverse bunch, but are largely made up of teens...

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