Author: Helvetica

We miss Star Wars Galaxies

In the old days…

I could start any number of posts with this old litany, a long lost discussion about how when we played an MMO it was the most amazing thing in the world. Those strange, heady pre-WoW days when everything was glistening gold running chills down my spine. When exploring the vast endless on my landspeeder didn’t seem like just more terrain without feature.

Hunting rancors on Endor? Those days are over.

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Why is Lord British the most awesome person in the Universe?

If there ever was an alpha-geek, he is incarnate in the man known as Richard Allen Garriott. Better known as the true and living avatar of Lord British.

Time to be a drooling fanvox.

It’s hard to see that there is anyone else in the world with such a makeshift, ever forward looking portfolio of the crazy and amazing. If anyone doubts this they can always just take a look at his Wikipedia page.

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Micro-Review: Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

This game made us cry.

We cried like little baby voces who had just got coal for Christmas, and it was strange because we knew what had to happen. Dreamfall is one of those games that starts at the end. Except the difference is: the beginning is without context, without a sense of presence; a perfect, crystalline introduction without emotion…

With all this talk about Funcom and what their current holdings are doing to their company we just had to hearken back to this beautiful game and its predecessor. We still remember the day that we got The Longest Journey (the first one, this review is of the sequel) opened the box with melancholy hearts and read the end of the instructions.

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Icecream headache: Who you gonna call?

Remember, people: don’t cross the streams! If you want the full, awesome, amazing HD experience, go watch it on June 2009. Mark that month. This game is coming out for the PS3, the Xbox — and the...

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Micro-Review: The Force Unleashed (Wii)

Oh. Star Wars. How I love thee; let me count the ways.

Along with most Wii games, The Force Unleashed gave me the worst case of tennis elbow ever. But it was definitely worth it to watch storm troopers and strange plant creatures alike flying down corridors, screaming in agony…

Oh, that’s right. We essentially get to play as a bad guy in this one.

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Vox Ex Machina, the voice of video games, is a gaming journalism magazine written by the voces, the different voices of games. Our team is diverse but small and we try our best to cover what might be interesting to our readers. Feel free to leave comments and talk to us, we're listening.


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