Author: Helvetica

Chapter Eleven: Zen and the Art of Ghoul Maintenance

The Lich King, Prince Arthas and the shade of Ner’zhul combined, brooded over the war torn domain from gaping maw of an icy balcony—great clouds of billowing white foamed in the chill air and whipped past his ragged cloak, stoking the azure flames that fumed from his ghastly armor. His sword, Frostmourne, balanced point-down on the icy rock floor awaiting his grasp as he fiddled with his gloves.

“When do I get to meet the big guy?” Hellvetica asked, gesturing with an onyx gauntleted hand towards the looming figure.

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Status of the Helvetica Venture

For all of my wonderful readers, I have received a couple messages asking why I haven’t updated The Helvetica Venture in a while and the reason is that I’d gotten sick and I didn’t know that I had that much readership. However…...

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Chapter Ten: Student Necromancers from Hell

“Stand and be measured, death knight,” the necromancer said.

Hellvetica stood, stretched her newfound muscles. She felt good, power coursing through her veins. They had placed upon her a garb of black robes, embroidered with runes of pain and suffering. She could sense the fire in her veins burning in her eyes. A voice in her head whispered sweet horrors to her. Cajoling, commanding, but she pushed that aside and with it the rapture of her resurrection.

“Thank you,” she said, “for…” She paused, she couldn’t see anyone standing in front of her—until she looked down.

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Chapter Nine: Waking Up is Hell

Hellvetica’s head hurt. All she recalled—aside from the name change—was downloading and activating the new expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, and rolling a death knight. Of course, this did help explain one thing: why she was currently among the dead.

The battlefield was littered with them, every race and class accounted among the valley of corpses as slouching half-human ghouls worked amid them. Bones exposed, dripping ribbons of rotting flesh, the ghouls labored to carry and drop dead body after dead body onto the backs of creaking wagons, which then conveyed their ghastly cargo unto Acherus.

Necromancers clad in dread black picked their way through the dead, casting boney fingers and watery eyes over the putrid crop. Hither and thither they resurrected the dead. By in large, though, the wagonloads just lay there. Alliance and Horde alike dumped together unceremoniously onto the floor waiting their turn.

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Introducing Marian

I’ve got no strings / To hold me down / To make me fret, or make me frown / I had strings / But now I’m free / There are no strings on me.” – Pinocchio.

Infinite Ammo—by far my favorite indie game producer—has just announced the advent of a new game. Its inception from the murky days of 2008, it is just entering pre-production. Artwork by Katie de Sousa whose amazing artwork has graced at least one of my projects insofar, so I love posting things by her.

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Vox Ex Machina, the voice of video games, is a gaming journalism magazine written by the voces, the different voices of games. Our team is diverse but small and we try our best to cover what might be interesting to our readers. Feel free to leave comments and talk to us, we're listening.


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