Author: Helvetica

Review: Bejeweled Twist

Continuing on with our trek through casual gaming, we took a break from abusing cute, fuzzy colored koosh-balls for their eyeballs and decided to move onto shattering glittering gemstones in spaaaace. At least, this is how our...

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Review: FATE Undiscovered Realms

FATE Undiscovered Realms is the sequel to FATE by WildTangent. Both of which have all the appearance of Diablo clones with numerous UI and game play design elements in common with the famous Blizzard game. A great deal of the...

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Review: Chuzzle Deluxe

Color matching games have long become the Connect4 of the penultimate puzzle arcade game experience for the PC—the solace of sleepy housewives, bored office workers, and insomniac marathon Made for SciFi movie watching. Chuzzle...

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Chapter Twelve: A Sword for All Occasions

The chewtoy—an eyeball pickled into a rubbery consistency like a hardboiled egg—hurtled across the chamber, caromed off the back wall, rebounded from the floor, and sailed out the window.

Batsmasher followed, arms a-pendulum with barely contained joy. “Raaaaaggwwggh!” he gurgled as he flew through the window after his favorite toy and promptly vanished from sight in the pristine blue and fog. Plummeting.

“That never gets old,” Hellvetica said.

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Vox Ex Machina, the voice of video games, is a gaming journalism magazine written by the voces, the different voices of games. Our team is diverse but small and we try our best to cover what might be interesting to our readers. Feel free to leave comments and talk to us, we're listening.


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