The Tony Hawk franchise, once one of the more powerful names in sports gaming, has fallen on hard times. His last game sold something around a whole 3,000 units, and an expensive, vaguely skateboardesque plastic gizmo also helped to sink the rolling juggernaut. But this time will be different! Gentlemen, behold! I bring you Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD! 1UP has the story.
I hope it works with the plastic skateboard thing. I’d hate to think people bought such a pricey accessory for nothing. I wonder if those who did will consider that when they see this new game on the shelves.
I loved his older games, mainly the ones for the N64 and the Dreamcast were the good ones… Now it seems he tries to keep up with the times and isn’t doing so well. Oh well perhaps his activeness in the X-games and all that will cover up for it!